Order MRO system and Implement It
with Minimal Costs

You can order the NERPA EAM MRO system today and start using it out of hand!

System Advantages

  • Using NERPA EAM in the mode of online service EAM.
  • Thin client - working with the system through a web browser:
    - It is not necessary to install the software on users' computers.
    - Allows connecting to the system from different computers.
  • Mass import through Excel templates: the ability of quick filling the system with information based on existing data.
  • Cross-platform: there is no need to use proprietary operating systems and expensive DBMS.

Architectural features of the system

The high-tech architectural concept of the NERPA system is based on a model-oriented approach to software development that facilitates the integration of both heterogeneous systems and the interaction between systems based on the same technology but using different interfaces, services and standards.

It is possible to support the CIM (Common Information Model) which is an open standard that provides a unified way of managing objects, regardless of their supplier or producer.

The architectural concept of MDA makes it possible to significantly simplify and partially automate the development, integration and modernization of systems.

Equipment Preventive Maintenance

The NERPA EAM system makes it easy to integrate with any software used in the enterprise: ERP, SCADA, CRM and others. It is enough to buy only the MRO system NERPA EAM and no more additional software!

To buy the MRO system and appraise all its advantages, order a demo presentation and have a look at all the features of NERPA EAM.

Read the full review of NERPA EAM >>>

Read more about mobile MRO with flexible interface >>>

Presentation of the MRO system NERPA EAM >>>