It is a common opinion that no possibility exists now for completely automated ERM program that can resolve any trouble without human interference. The basic goal of enterprise risk management is not only automating and IT implementation but also extending an overall level of management. Here, the ERM system is just a supplement, not a boss. By definition of enterprise risk management, it is a business of managers and a matter of strategies, a part of creative human activity.
Still, computer-based enterprise risk management frameworks and integrated ERM systems allows informing and reporting managers about any critical situation. These functions can be highly automated by such programs as NERPA ERP solution or the production-controlling
NERPA SCADA program. The ERM system can use the electronic documentation and databases from these systems as a base for creating solutions, and, in turn, add to the information kept by these systems from different ERM program databases.
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Product Lifecycle Management,
Master Data Management If you are interested at NERPA ERP or NERPA SCADA, please send us a letter at, and we will glad to demonstrate you any of these products.