NERPA EAM is an information management system for equipment and all main assets in the enterprise. The main purpose of the NERPA EAM system is the effective equipment maintenance management. It is realized with the help of the following functions: equipment accounting, monitoring the technical condition of assets, accounting and planning of MRO costs, planning works and monitoring their execution.
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Increase of the efficiency of the equipment maintenance management in the enterprise is achieved due to a clear organization of the repair personnel:
Improving interaction between managers and repair personnel/service organizations through the rapid exchange of information.
In the MRO system functions of analysis and control over the efficiency of the equipment repair and maintenance in the enterprise are implemented. Timely analysis of the efficiency in the MRO system allows timely detection and elimination of emerging problems.
The MRO system will facilitate the equipment maintenance management in the enterprise, the management of employees through the proper distribution of responsibilities, obtaining operational information about the work of the employee or department.
Thus, NERPA EAM serves to increase the efficiency of equipment MRO in the enterprise.